The Art of Delegating: Empower Your Team and Improve Your Workflow

April 24, 2023
3 mins

It's Wednesday morning, and work keeps piling in. Despite having a team, it feels like there aren't enough hours in the day to finish everything. 

You want to get to that big task by the end of the day, right after you answer 20+ unread emails in your inbox, set up next week's schedule, and get payroll out of the way. 

You're stressed and know the solution, but you're hesitant to trust someone else with your workload. That solution? Delegation.

Yes, the word may make you uncomfortable, but it could be the key to reducing the constant stress you're experiencing! And here's the thing, delegating tasks frees up your time and can prevent burnout from focusing all your energy on specific assignments. 

Relying on another professional can help you tackle your work with a clear mind and focus your energy on specific objectives. The best part? You'll prevent that unbearable feeling of being weighed down by an impossible workload.

You need your time back. Time is one of the most valuable gifts we have in life, and we must use it wisely. Amy Gallo talked about this topic in her article titled Why Aren't You Delegating?, issued by the Harvard Business Review, pointing out why you are not delegating.

5 Reasons Why You Are Not Delegating

  1. Perfectionism: If you are a perfectionist, you may feel that no one can do the task as well as you can. You may believe that by delegating, you are sacrificing quality or that the final outcome will not meet your high standards. However, this is not always true. Delegating work to others can actually improve the quality of the work, as it allows people to bring their own unique skills and perspectives to the task. Additionally, delegating can help you focus on the tasks that require your specific expertise and attention.
  2. You feel like it's easier to do it yourself: It's true that sometimes it's easier and faster to do a task yourself than to explain it to someone else. However, this mindset can lead to burnout and overwhelm. Delegating tasks can help you free up your time and mental energy to focus on other important tasks. It can also empower your team members by giving them opportunities to learn and grow.
  3. Fear of things not turning out how you wanted: It's understandable to be concerned about the outcome of a delegated task. However, you can mitigate this risk by setting clear expectations, providing adequate training and resources, and communicating regularly with your team members or virtual assistant. By delegating effectively, you can ensure the task is completed to your satisfaction while building trust and confidence with your team and VA.
  4. It feels like you are detracting importance from the task: Sometimes, people feel that delegating a task diminishes its importance or significance. However, this is not the case. Delegating tasks can actually help you prioritize your workload and ensure that important tasks are completed on time and to the best of your team's ability. Additionally, delegating can help your team members feel valued and respected, as it shows that you trust them and value their contributions.
  5. The fear of subpar results and not meeting tight deadlines: Delegating a task with a tight deadline can be nerve-wracking, but it's important to remember that you are not alone. Communicate clearly with your VA about the deadline and the level of quality you expect. Provide them with the necessary resources and support, and check in regularly to ensure the task is on track. By working together, you can achieve the desired outcome within the allotted time frame.

So, if you want to become a master at delegating, here is a list of proven tips for achieving outstanding results. 

4 Tips to Get Great Results When Delegating:

  • Choose the right people or team to accomplish the tasks you delegate successfully.
  • Set reasonable deadlines, so your VA has enough time to complete the task.
  • Set clear expectations and create efficient workflows that work according to your needs and preferences.
  • Strive to inspire and empower your team with positive leadership. Good leaders create other great leaders.

We can help you!

Sally Speaking's virtual assistance service can help you delegate those small mundane tasks to our trustworthy and reliable virtual assistants. There's no need to spend time scouting or onboarding and worrying about payroll, we do that for you! 

We can help you manage your daily work and the tasks that take time out of your busy schedule. Our virtual assistants are fully equipped with the tools and skills they'll need to help you with administrative tasks, data entry, scheduling, and more!

Click the link below to book a consultation! We're here to help!